Customer Testimonials
Read through the wonderful experiences of CatBib customer and see for yourself how you can use the CatBib to put a stop to your cat from catching and killing birds.
For recent testimonials, please visit our Facebook page where customers continue to post success stories.
“When collars with bells didn’t work and hummingbirds were killed, the CatBib did the trick!”
"It took him no more than 5 minutes to get used to wearing it and now he patiently waits by the door to have the bib put on before going out." Read even more customer success stories from 2016 - present.
“The number of dead birds found in my yard have dropped to almost zero!” (Testimonials 2014-2015)
Cats can bring all sorts of dead animals home with them, even live ones as one CatBib owner had happen! Wow ! Read her story and many others like it here.
“CatBib Cured Our Cat From Hunting Birds!”
"Although she drags it in the dirt at times, the Bib is very durable and can be rinsed and reused repeatedly. The CatBib has undoubtedly saved many birds around our house. " Read more and more testimonials from our customers from 2013-2014.
“We Love The Cats Elastic Safety Collar”
Read how Bisquit smiles big over his CatBib, and how Domino the excellent hunter has been thwarted. Dozens of customer testimonials from 2010 – 2012
“I have not seen him catch any birds since he’s had his CatBib on” (Testimonials 2009-2010)
Read all about our 2009 - 2010 testimonials and enjoy the most adorable cats you have seen all day.
“Our Cats Bells Didn’t Work – CatBib Did!” (Testimonials 2008-2009)
Many of our customers have tried cat bells to no avail. Once they decided on the CatBib, their cats stopped attacking birds. Testimonials 2008 – 2009
“The cat bib has done wonders. We were skeptical, but he hasn’t caught a bird since.” (Testimonials 2007 – 2008)
2007 and 20008 were great years for customer stories about their cats not killing birds anymore. Feel free to read through these wonderful stories.
“Catbib really does stop cats from killing birds!” (Testimonials 2007)
More stories from 2007 of failed cat bells and hopeless felines that turned to wonderful stories of peaceful friendships between the birds and cats. The CatBibb really stops cats from hunting birds.
Doesnt Stop Them From Their Daily Prowling
Here is proof, the cat bib really works, and doesn't stop your cat from doing his daily prowling, such as walking the fence and harassing the neighbors. Plus Dozens send their feedback from 2006 -2007.
In the beginning 2005 – 2006
Since the start, CatBib has received dozens and dozens of customer stories filled with love, knowing they are doing their part to help save bird and reptiles from their killer kitties. Read more about those early stories here.