A veterinary advice column by Dr. Jeff Nichol
Albuquerque Journal – Monday, June 5, 2006
Bird savers: Remember the question two weeks ago regarding the bird killing cat? I suggested an Invisible Fence in part because it will keep pets in their yards and out of trouble. A reader has an option worth consideration.
“To preserve the bird population, Simon the Diamon always wears a Cat “bib” that attaches to his collar and breaks his striking stride, but otherwise does not interfere with his movement. Occasionally, he wears it like a cape as he plays “SuperCat.” Since we started dressing him for his forays, he has not caught a bird, and the neighbors think he is a laugh-riot. The Web site is catgoods.com.” I really appreciate hearing about useful alternatives like this. Thank you to Simon’s person for writing.
Dr. Jeff Nichol cares for pets with behavior and health disorders at VCA Wyoming Animal Hospital in Albuquerque.